Learn to Protect, Secure, and Maximize Your Innovations
L2Pro Taiwan 台灣IP培訓平台將協助你認識智慧財產權的各種樣貌,包括專利、商標、著作權和營業秘密等。
完成所有課程後,你將能清楚了解如何運用這些工具來保護自己的發明,讓你的業務發展和成長如虎添翼 !
Awareness about intellectual property (IP) is crucial for encouraging innovation and entrepreneurship in businesses and startups.
The L2Pro Taiwan - IP training platform will introduce you to the various forms of IPRs, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
At the end of the program, you will have a good understanding of how to use them to help protect your innovation and grow your business.
Let’s get you started on your learning journey!